Shamanic journeying is a very powerful technique used for personal growth and healing. This introductory course is designed to teach you how to do a Shamanic Journey for yourself and for others. This is the foundation course that is a prerequisite for any other more advanced Shamanic studies, such as Ancestral Healing, Shamanic Divination, Power Animal Retrieval, Shamanic Extraction, Soul Retrieval, etc. We will learn how to journey to non-ordinary realities including the Lower World and Upper World by using percussive sounds such as drumming and rattling. You will meet your helping spirits including a Power Animal and a Teacher in Spirit. The techniques learned in this course, as well as from the teachers and guides that you will meet, will support you long after the class as you move through your spiritual path.
This course is for those who:
● are looking for new self-care tools to stay grounded during stressful times.
● are looking to try something different for your own personal healing.
● are seeking to deepen your own spiritual connection.
● would like to meet your helping spirits, or deepen your existing connection.
● are a practitioner who is looking for new tools to further support your clients on their healing journey.
● work in a healing profession or in social services and are looking for ways to recharge to avoid burnout and feeling depleted.
● want to be part of a loving, supportive and safe spiritual community seeking to bring more love, light, and kindness to their own lives and to the entire collective.
Prerequisite: None, this class is the prerequisite for all the other classes in the series.
What to bring to shamanic courses:
● Blanket or pillow so that you can be comfortable lying on the floor to journey.
● Journal/notebook & pen to write down the things that you experience. Please note that courses are taught in an oral tradition, come prepared to take notes.
● Lunch & Snacks. Journeying can make you hungry. Having snacks will help you stay focused. A lunch break will be taken midday. Several restaurants are nearby for those who wish to go out to get food.
● A Sleep Mask is optional if you want to cover your eyes while journeying.
● A Drum or Rattle. If you do not have a drum or rattle, one can be purchased at The Journey’s Path. A drum or rattles is not required but encouraged.
● And most importantly, please bring an open heart and inquisitive, eager spirit!
Blessing Alter:
A blessing altar will be set up for each class. You are welcome to bring a few stones or other small objects that you would like to be blessed by the Spirits. Participation in the blessing altar is not a requirement of the course.
Registration is done directly on the Journeys Path’s website.